
Kickass Entrepreneurs Logo

Join the Silver City MainStreet Project for Kick-Ass Entrepreneur Story Time on Wednesday, March 20, from 5:30 – 7:30 PM in the Little Toad Creek back meeting room. We are so excited that Joe Saenz, owner and operator of WolfHorse Outfitters, will be our next entrepreneur storyteller.  

WolfHorse Outfitters has been operating since ca. 1998. Saenz shared, “I was called back to our traditional lands and developed a lifeway to connect traditionally to Nde Benah to fulfill stewardship responsibilities and highlight a Native history, providing a service in the community that highlights locals, Natives, and tourists alike.”

Join us at Little Toad Creek Brewery and Distillery at 5:30 PM to order some amazing food and drinks along with a bit of schmoozing before we kick-off Story Time at 6 PM, followed by time for more schmoozing.

We look forward to seeing you there!